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Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that utilises hypnosis and naturally occurring trance phenomena. The soothing and empowering hypnosis phenomena helps people to unlock the internal resources within themselves. Hypnotherapy is absolutely safe and natural, there are no harmful side effects. Hypnotherapy when administered by a trained professional is a powerful tool that can benefit individuals achieving long-lasting benefits. Hypnotherapy can be safely administered online.
Below I present the description of Hypnotherapy that was published by the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) having been written with the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) Copy Advice Team, in consultation with CNHC's Profession Specific Boards (PSBs), in an effort to be clear, honest and not misleading:
Hypnotherapy is a skilled communication aimed at directing a person's imagination in a way that helps elicit changes in some perceptions, sensations, feelings, thoughts and behaviours.
In a typical hypnotherapy session the hypnotherapist and client will discuss the intended alterations or therapeutic goals desired. The hypnotherapist will ask questions about previous medical history, general health and lifestyle to decide on the best approach for the individual.
Hypnotherapy may be found to be helpful for those seeking relief from a range of problems and is used alongside a person's own willpower and motivation to seek a desired goal. It is often used to help relieve anxiety, aid sleeping, help to address bedwetting, address attitudes to weight, and help clients achieve behavioural change to stop smoking. It may also help with minor skin conditions that are exacerbated by stress and confidence issues, and may also be used to enhance performance in areas such as sport and public speaking. Hypnotherapy may help people to cope with and manage the relief of perceived pain.
Hypnotherapy has also been used with both adults and children to help manage the pain associated with irritable bowel. There is evidence to support its use in this condition for both adults and children and the National Institute for Health and Clinical Guidance (NICE) recommends the NHS should consider referring patients for hypnotherapy if their irritable bowel is persistent and has failed to respond to simple prescribed medicine.

Recent decades have brought significant insight into the effects of hypnosis on the human body and brain. Hypnosis is the subject of rigorous research conducted at world-leading organisations such as the University of Stanford.
The research helps us to understand that hypnosis is not a magic trick, but a naturally occurring state of mind and in my work. Additionally, it can be a really pleasant experience for a hypnotised person, therefore, I do everything in my power to make the experience very gentle, pleasant and really safe.
I understand that for some people the thought of being hypnotised makes them feel nervous or tense, some people may fear losing control or revealing their secrets. If this sounds familiar to you, please feel free to contact me to discuss how we can make hypnosis work for you.
Your safety and comfort are of paramount importance to me. I fully acknowledge the profundity of therapy as a personal process and journey of self-discovery. Hence it is important that you feel comfortable with a therapeutic approach used. As you might have seen, in my practice I am fully committed to values of compassion and authenticity I fully believe in authenticity and compassion. One of the main goals of therapy is to facilitate a safe space in which you can be honest with yourself and with your therapist to find a solution that will be the most beneficial for you.
It is important to understand that people who are hypnotised are awake, conscious and in control. Quite the opposite of the sleep-like or unconscious state that is so often portrayed in films or books. Unfortunately, this misrepresentation of hypnosis can cause people to be unnecessarily concerned about its use. However, the reality is that most people find hypnosis to be a relaxing and pleasant experience, very similar to the moments before falling asleep, or when deeply absorbed in reading a book, watching a film or listening to music: Hypnosis is completely natural and safe. Division 30 of the American Psychological Association (Society of Psychological Hypnosis) published the following updated definition of hypnosis in 2014:
“A state of consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness characterised by an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion.”
Often described as an altered state of consciousness, hypnosis is, therefore, difficult to define, as altered states of consciousness relate to different mental states too.
Some people are afraid they may get stuck in hypnosis, however, there is no recorded case of this ever happening. Hypnosis is often experienced as getting lost in the favourite activities e.g. reading a great novel, watching a good film or being involved in any other absorbing activities. Further, some people are also afraid that hypnotists can make them do something they do not want. However, here again, there is no scientific evidence that supports such a possibility, and this idea has its roots in popular culture.
​Hypnosis is not a form of treatment in itself, but can be thought of as a tool used within therapy, for example by being combined with suggestion, or it may be employed with techniques to help identify underlying problems. Often this can produce results more quickly than would be possible by employing other methods. When used by a trained professional, hypnotherapy can produce results that are long lasting and often prove to be permanent.

Hypnotherapy is especially effective as a treatment for anxiety disorders, to quit smoking and to improve the unpleasant effects of IBS but there are so many conditions that Hypnotherapy can also treat to empower the individual to achieve their goals. It is an evidence-based approach and in my practice, I draw on the latest research and understanding of psychology, neuroscience, mind-body medicine and Eastern and Western philosophy.
The broad range of expertise I incorporate into my practice means that all treatments are tailored to your needs and our work together is focused on bringing the best results for you that have a direct impact on the quality of hypnotic interventions.
Below are examples of conditions hypnosis is effective for, please note the list is not exhaustive. I suggest arranging an initial consultation to find out how can I be of service.
Improve your study habits and grades in high school or college,
Understand and manage any strong emotions such as anger, sadness, or guilt,
Make public presentations and speeches confidently and without fear,
Reduce your stress,
Improve the quality of your sleep,
Lead a healthier life: exercise regularly, stop smoking, lower your blood pressure, let go of a headache, boost your immune system, balance your nutrition and weight management,
Overcome procrastination,
Eliminate any strong and in many cases irrational fear, e.g. fear of flying, insects, heights, dentistry or surgery etc., that is preventing you from leading the life you want,
Speed up recovery from surgery and more,
Perform consistently "in the zone" in your sport such as golf, tennis, soccer, or basketball.